Minimally Invasive ENT Surgery / Specialized ENT Surgery
ENT Surgery
In 1996, Dr. Bernd Schuster received certification for specialization in ear, nose, and throat surgery, issued by the Bavarian Medical Association. To receive this certification, the ENT specialist must be able to perform a wide range of surgeries that extend far beyond that in the experience of the prevalent medical specialist. He or she then acquires qualification at length by passing an oral examination. Therefore, the medical board certification for specialization in ear, nose, and throat surgery is an objective and verifiable quality criterion for surgical standards.
We regularly perform the following surgeries in Munich, on an outpatient, or on an inpatient basis in our Clinic Dr. Gärtner and in the latros Clinic:
- Coblation Tonsillotomy (tonsil reduction using coblation)
- Radio Frequency Conchotomy (turbinate reduction with radio frequency)
- Tonsillectomy (removal of the tonsils)
- Polypectomy (removal of the polyps)
- Middle Ear Drainage
- Septoplasty and Rhinoplasty
- Endoscopic Laser-Assisted Sinus Surgery
- Balloon Sinuplasty
- Reconstructive Middle Ear Surgery (Tympanoplasty)
- Laryngeal and Vocal Folds Surgery
For information on plastic surgery and snoring surgery, please refer to the relevant pages on our web site.