Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Munich
The „Five minute nose job“™ was developed by the Canadian surgeon Mulholland as an alternative to aesthetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty). This non-surgical procedure corrects unevenness, crookedness, and depressions of the nose with different fillers under local anesthesia. We mainly use absorbable materials that we can easily shape. In so doing, we can optimally model the nose after insertion of the filler. Light swelling and redness after the procedure commonly remains for approximately 2 days.
Advantages of Non-surgical Nose Correction Munich
The main advantage of non-surgical nose correction is obtaining immediate results whilst avoiding surgery-related side effects. A preliminary consultation serves in part to determine the suitability of the nose for this approach. We can achieve good with correction of minor bumps or saddle deformities, as well as in lifting a drooping nose tip. Photo documentation with simulation allows for precise reshaping of the desired results.
- No general anesthesia
- Visible results after about 2 days
- No surgery associated risks
- Minimally invasive procedure
- Low level of strain on the patient
- Turkish delight technique
Alternatively we offer a technique first proposed by the turkish plastic surgeon Erol in 2000 called the „turkish delight technique“: it consists in the wrapping of grafted and diced cartilage in a sheet of cellulose which is to be inserted under local anesthesia on the dorsum of the nose. The moulding of the material allows an excellent adaptation to the profile line of the nose. This technique is widely used to elevate the height of the nose.
On the basis of this technique we have developed a variation which consists in combining grafted cartilage – diced or as sheet – with plasma enriched platelets (PRP). Both tissue components are produced naturally in your body, so there will be non concern of incompatibility. The main issue in this prodedure is the activation of growth factors which will help preserve the cartilage grafts and induce kollagen production to smoothen the overlying skin and strengthen the implanted area in order to achieve a lasting resulting.
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