Allergology Munich
With increasing tendency, 10% to 20% of the population in western industrialized countries, suffer from allergies. In one way or another, almost every second person is confronted, throughout the of course their life, with allergies. In early childhood, occurrence of food allergies and atopic dermatitis is common. There are various symptoms of allergies. These can manifest themselves in the form of common rashes, nasal congestion, a blocked sinus cavity, bronchial asthma, or even as uncharacteristic diarrhea. In principle, such ailments result from immunologically transmitted adverse reactions to environmental substances.
Our immune system protects us from dangerous intrusion of foreign substances in countless situations. Thereby, it helps us by using the same mechanism that causes the ailments. A distinction must be made between which substances are dangerous vs. useful as well as which are foreign vs. a part of our own flesh and blood. Even foreign substances can have a connection to the body‘s own system. The embryo in the womb is at least halfway foreign to the body and yet still accepted as part of the body‘s system. This is exemplary of the complexity of our whole immune system. It also illustrates that we the phenomenon of allergies accompanies us on a daily basis – and we will have to deal with this throughout our lives, even if we do not notice it.
We base our allergologic diagnostics on the anamnesis, the results of skin and blood tests, as well as provocation tests. Using these investigative findings, we will create a treatment plan for you taking into consideration your allergologic problem, as well as your individual situation. This may be limited to general allergen immune-stimulants, or may also include hypo-sensitization.