Nasenkorrektur ohne OPSeit dieser Woche liegt uns die PDF-Version unserer Veröffentlichung über die Ergebnisse der operationsfreien Nasenkorrekturen der letzten 5 Jahre im European Journal of Facial Plastic Surgery vor! Die Arbeit gibt eine Übersicht der eigenen Ergebnisse, über die aktuelle Literatur und diskutiert das Komplikationsmanagement. Damit liegen erstmals belastbare Daten für diese Technik vor, wodurch wir unsere klinische und wissenschaftliche Expertise auf internationalem Niveau belegen können.
Bottom line: Exzellente Ergebnisse (87%) – allerdings gilt auch hier: Die richtige Indikation und korrekte Technik sind Voraussetzung für gute Resultate.

Injection Rhinoplasty with Hyaluronic Acid and Calcium Hydroxyapatite: A Retrospective Survey Investigating Outcome and Complication Rates
Bernd Schuster, MD 1
1 Private Clinic for ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery, Munich, Germany
Facial Plast Surg 2015;31:301–307.
Address for correspondence Bernd Schuster, MD, Private Clinic for ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery, Theatinerstraße 46, D-80333

Injection rhinoplasty offers an attractive, reversible alternative to surgery. Here we assessed outcome, longevity of benefits, adverse effects, and patient assessment of injection rhinoplasty, using degradable synthetic fillers. Forty-six patients who underwent injection rhinoplasty using degradable fillers over the past 3 years were assessed (calcium hydroxyapatite: 26 patients, hyaluronic acid: 20 patients). Comparison of pre- and postoperative images indicated realistically achievable treatment results. Patient satisfaction was assessed using a 5-point questionnaire at 3 weeks and 9 months posttreatment. Forty-six patients (88 areas) were treated. At 3 weeks posttreatment, 85% of patients were satisfied with treatment results. At 9 months or later posttreatment, 87% of patients were very/completely satisfied with treatment results, regardless of filler used. Treatment longevity varied between 6 and 30 months (mean: 13.5 months). Positive evaluationwas mainly dueto accurate predictionof achievable results to meet patient expectations. There were one moderate and two severe complications, all following calcium hydroxyapatite treatment. Two resolved completely following treatment and one patient was lost to follow-up. This resulted in subsequent exclusive useofhyaluronic acidfiller.Injectablebiodegradablefillersareeffectiveforcorrectionof
minor nasal deformities or irregularities. Attention must be given to injection technique and adverse effect management.

Operationsfreie Nasenkorrektur: Ergebnisse der letzten fünf Jahre